Vertical Gardening - Assessing Your Space - Indoors v Outdoors

In this post we will guide you through essential considerations and preparations to ensure a successful start.

Assess Your Space: Indoors vs Outdoors

Before diving into vertical gardening it is crucial that you assess available space and decide whether indoor or outdoor gardening suits best for you.

If opting for an indoor setup, factors such as light availability, room temperature, humidity levels, and flooring type should be considered carefully.

On the other hand, those who choose outdoor balcony gardens benefit from natural sunlight, fresh air, and wider plant options while considering climate conditions in their region along with any existing structures suitable for supporting vertical gardens.

With these considerations made early on in planning stages can help set up success later down line when implementing ideas into actionable steps towards building thriving green spaces at home or workplace alike!

The success of your vertical garden hinges on selecting suitable plants.

To ensure that you make the right choices consider these factors:

Light Requirements: Determine how much sunlight will be available in your space and choose plants accordingly - low light, moderate light or full sun conditions are all options depending on what works best for you.

Water Needs: Different types of plants have varying water requirements so it's essential to select those with similar needs as this simplifies maintenance tasks such as watering schedules.

Space Considerations: Optimize limited spaces by choosing compact or trailing varieties that fit well into vertical gardens while also avoiding overcrowding which can negatively impact airflow within the area.

Edible vs Ornamental Plants: Decide whether you want to grow edibles (vegetables, herbs, fruits) or ornamentals (flowers, foliage) exclusively or a combination of both based on personal preference.

With careful consideration of each factor at play when making plant selections for your vertical garden; success is guaranteed!